WINTER is time where we naturally pull back, retreat and do things like stare into fires, walk alongside cold seas, watch dramatic sunsets, rug up and simply check out for a while, before the upbeat energy of spring comes rattling in. Or is it?

Lismore has been so interesting recently. The Lantern Parade on the solstice was huge, charming and delightful. The town was chock-a-block with families and visitors cheering and clapping as it wove its way through town. The lanterns were funny and clever. Who dreams these designs up? The bands and the performers were wonderful. There was a palpable feeling of good will as the parade cast its enchanting spell over the town.

The next day the Friendship Festival was held at Spinx Park. I must have been feeling sociable so I went to that and that was so very good natured and pleasant. People sat in the sun at long tables, drinking wine, eating Italian foods, watching dancing and a hugely enjoyable tug of war, all held together by the hilarious MC. I went for a short while and ended up staying for a few hours, sitting in the sun, simply enjoying the day.

Read the full article at the Lismore Echo at

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